The Hiawatha Trail & St. Paul Pass Tunnel will Open on Friday May 23, 2025. Please do not try to ride the trail out of season as the tunnel is closed, conditions can be hazerdous and staff or vehicles will be out there working on the road surface both in the tunnels and along the trail prior to opening. 

In addition as a general warning we close for the season on Sept. 21, 2025. Why? Hunting season opens in this remote forests, and we feel most guests will not find it enjoyable if your tranquility is disturbed by shots ringing out in the forest. 

Please make plans to use the trail when all services are available. Trail opens on May 23, & runs 7 days a week thru Sept. 21, 2025. 
HOLIDAY PERIODS For 2025: Mon. May 26, Thurs. June 19, Thurs. - Fri. July 3-4 & Sept. 1, 2025

Thank you for supporting the Hiawatha Trail. A substantial portion of all fees collected goes to the US Forest Service and more is used for necessary maintenance to keep this incredible trail open and available to the public.